Winning contracts in the space of aerospace vehicle design, planning, manufacturing, and distribution is quite challenging, even for subordinate government agencies. But we have had success in this space and are happy to give you some guidance.
You may know what kind of operation you want to run and the kinds of assets you want to deploy. But does your support network enable this initiative. Have you looked a the possible constraints and limitations? There are often going to be bottlenecks that you did not consider. Even if the funding is available, are you going to get stakeholder buy-in? Is someone going to raise last minute opposition? This can happen at any stage of the planning, manufacturing, or delivery stage.
Congratulations, you have produced an incredible vehicle that is going to give your team the edge. Now it's time to deploy it. But how are you going to get to the theater of operations? Many of our custom built vehicles require extreme discretion. They are built with top secret technology. They cannot be delivered through the same channels are regular assets. We can help you think through the delivery aspect of the operation and make sure that you get it right.
There is a lot of risk involved. There is the risk that you
don't even get the project off the ground as we discussed in
capability assessment above. There is the risk that your project
gets cancelled half-way. What are you going to do if your asset is
not completed. Do you have a plan of what to do with the
intermediate parts? What if the asset is completed but the mission
can't go through. Do you have a plan of how to repurpose the
vehicle or how to potentially liquidate it to generate funds for
upcoming operations?
And then of course there is the risk
associated with the vehicle and it's performance. What happens
if the vehicle does not operate as expected? Are you prepared to
deal with the consequences to the people operating the vehicle? Are
you prepared to deal with the loss of the vehicle? What if it does
operate as expected but the theatre of operations is significantly
different than the one you designed it for? What if modifications
need to be made? Are you ready for those contingencies.
Yes we are asking a lot of what-if questions, but that
is exactly the role of risk management. The idea is that you think
through as many scenarios as possible and make sure that you are
prepared to deal with both the positive and negative things that can
take place.
Our team has the skillset to manage the design, manufacture, and deployment of unique assets that make the difference. But what if you want your team to learn to fish? What if you want to learn how to do part of this process yourself? It can be quite important and due to security reasons essential that you take over some of the end-to-end manufacture or endpoint logistics. The good news is that we are willing to share our knowledge. We have a training program in place to teach you what we know and help support you until you gain mastery.